The Opinion - Trenque LauquenThe initiative continues to be promoted for the benefit of Lipolcc and Genap.The Municipality of Trenque Lauquen placed two containers for the reception of aluminum cans at the door of the Municipal Palace and Casa del Niño, as part of the continuity of the solidarity campaign for the benefit of Genap and Lipolcc.In this way, the Municipality collaborates with the second stage of the campaign that is promoted by neighbors and these public welfare institutions that provide comprehensive help and assistance to cancer patients and their families.The two containers that the Municipality placed and that were made by the blacksmith who works at the Prolim plant are added to the drums already placed by the aforementioned institutions in other addresses of the city: Gobernador Irigoyen nº 541, Roca nº 256 and Wilde No. 379 (branches of the Carnes del Colegio supermarket), García Salinas y Freyre (Frutihortícola) and Tres de Caballería between Pasteur and Hipólito Yrigoyen (Workers' Cooperative).This second stage of the solidarity campaign will run until the end of October.It should be remembered that the collected material will be sold to a recycling operator and the money collected will benefit Genap (People in Support) and Lipolcc (Popular League to Fight Cancer).On the World Day for Sexual DiversityThe Gender Violence Office promotes awareness activitiesOne year after the regulation was approvedCold Zones: in the city there is no news about the discount on gas bottles and tubesIt will be next Saturday, July 2A guided astrotourism tour to discover the wonders of the western sky of Buenos AiresHe will arrive on Tuesday with Alberto SileoniThe morning newspaper of the West of Buenos Aires Property of Editorial Trenque Lauquen SA